One Great Season
SAN JOSE, Calif. -- Today is one of those days that makes me feel lucky and happy about the One Great Season project. I arrived here last night and waiting in my sister's mailbox was a $200 donation from my good friend Tom Cunningham and his family. The week is off to a good start indeed.
But I can't get complacent. At the risk of asking for too much, and at the risk of annoying friends and strangers alike, I need to keep asking for help. It was never my strong suit before I set out on this adventure, but the more donations I get, the more comfortable I feel asking for the help.
So if you believe in passion projects, if you're at all inspired by the idea that a broke dude can lose a job in a tough economy and throw caution to the wind and take that huge risk that everybody else talks of taking, if you like stories about people who follow their dreams 15 years after first dreaming them, then please take a moment to think about any kind of contribution you're available to make.
Do you follow me on Twitter? Are you a One Great Season fan on Facebook? Do you visit my site? Have you told any of your friends who like college football about my project? Do you subscribe to my RSS feed? Have you left comments on any of my posts? And last but certainly not least, are you able to make a small donation, even if it's just $1?