You may think you've got all the bases covered, but have you checked your Twitter account lately? Are you following the right people? I promise that if you start following these great college football Tweeters, your life will get better immediately.
And if your life stays better for four straight hours, please consult a physician:
+ Tony Barnhart | @MrCFB
+ Chip Brown | @ChipBrownOB
+ Jay Christensen | @JayChristensen
+ Dennis Dodd | @DennisDoddCBS
+ ESPN College Football Live | @espncfblive
+ Gentry Estes | @BamaBeat
+ Every Day Should Be Saturday | @edsbs
+ Michael Felder | @InTheBleachers
+ Bruce Feldman | @BFeldmanESPN
+ Pete Fiutak | @ColFootballNews
+ Brian Hamilton | @ChiTribHamilton
+ Travis Haney | @gamecocksblog
+ Matt Hinton | @DrSaturday
+ Lisa Horne | @LisaHorne
+ Doug Lesmerises | @PDBuckeyes
+ Stewart Mandel | @slmandel
+ Rob Moseley | @DuckFootball
+ Ramzy Nasrallah | @ramzyn
+ David Pollack | @davidpollack47
+ Barrett Sallee | @BarrettSallee
+ Joe Schad | @schadjoe
+ Mark Schlabach | @Mark_Schlabach
+ George Schroeder | @GeorgeSchroeder
+ Sports Illustrated College Football | @si_ncaafb
+ Andy Staples | @Andy_Staples
+ Phil Steele | @philsteele042
+ Pete Thamel | @PeteThamelNYT
+ Clay Travis | @ClayTravisBGID
+ Kyle Veazey | @kyleveazey
+ Dan Wetzel | @DanWetzel
+ Matt Zemek | @MattZemek_CFN