+ @CKlosterman: "Rutgers-St. John's ended like the gold medal game from the '72 Olympics."
+ @GregAnthony50: "It's not that Rutgers deserved to win but should have had a chance to determine their own destiny!"
+ @GottliebShow: "Burr and Higgins running for a cab? Wow, that was bad."
+ @BothTeamsPlayed: "I'm an SJU alum and that was comically inept work by the refs, but let's not act like Rutgers had any business winning."
+ @espnandykatz: "The NCAA controls the officiating crew and those three officials should not officiate in the NCAA tournament."
+ @AndrewSiciliano: "As Tirico noted, fantastic job by Pasch seeing the clock issue immediately."
+ @brendanloy: "@aglock It's one thing to make a mistake, or even a series of mistakes. It's another thing to just give up and stop officiating a game."
+ @greggdoyelcbs: "Timmy Higgins and Jim Burr involved in intense battle to prove who really is worst of all time."
+ @slmandel: "Jim Burr and Tim Higgins, ladies and gentlemen. First of many appearances you'll see this month."
+ @RonWechsler: "Think the refs were running late for the 4:35 LIRR train back to Roslyn #weaksauce #StJohns #Rutgers"
+ @raphiellej: "That ending wreaks of 'let's hook up the scalpers for St John's/Syracuse tomorrow.' Absolute disgrace."
+ @BryanDFischer: "Only Tim Donaghy approves of officiating at the end of St. Johns-Rutgers."
+ @PantherLair: "Rule refresher: stepping out of bounds - ok. Throwing ball with time on clock - ok. Cheerleader touches ball during stoppage - not ok."
+ @Mengus22: "Don't forget folks: Higgins is the guy who called Alabama out of bounds at Vandy with the game on the line. #firehim"
+ @AdamZagoria: "Rice on officials: "I’m sure they're going to admit that there was a mistake because it's right there on YouTube now."
+ @jppalm: "Higgins and Burr passed their expiration dates at least five years ago."
+ @KickRR: "@jppalm Are Higgins and Burr among your first four out?"