As long as he keeps it basic and focuses on the nuts and bolts, Nantz is an excellent play-by-play guy and anyone would love to have his job.
But when he tries to get cute, that's when his many critics grow fangs. The funny thing is, the times where he tries to go off-script are the times when he seems the most painfully rehearsed.
His "Walker, Texas Ranger" and "Top Dog" and "Best In Show" lines only sounded scripted because, well, they were. And Twitter lit him up for it without hesitation. Here's a sampling:
+ @SashGoswami: "The next time Jim Nantz attempts a joke, I will shoot him myself."
+ @jeffclark275: "@LadyProducer_SN "Walker, Texas Ranger"? Nantz has been waiting for that one all night. Horrible!"
+ @Brett_Crawford: "'Walker, Texas Ranger'- Really Jim Nantz??? #givemegusnow"
+ UNKNOWN: "Jim Nantz just referred to Kemba Walker as "Walker, Texas Ranger." The shooting isn't the ugliest part of this game. #MM2011 Finals"
+ @jasonhajdik: "Jim Nantz crumples the list of catchphrases he'd prepared for a Butler win and tosses it with a sigh and a single tear. End scene."
+ @JayBilas: "Jim Nantz can't wait to get to Augusta National for the Masters. Someone is guaranteed to post a score at least in the 60's."
+ @Bran_Strickland: "Best in show? Really, Nantz? That was more like a dog show with a mutt and a Chinese crested. #MM2011"
+ @davidroher: "@jackdickey @tcraggs22 I love "Nantz'd." It should be an MTV reality show of horrible times for bad puns."
+ @quintoCT: "They have Walker, Texas Ranger." - Jim Nantz for the worst thing of all time.
+ @dan_bernstein: "I never thought I'd feel sorry for Jim Nantz. But this, and an uncertain Augusta weekend for Tiger, and those giant alimony checks? Youch."
+ @Danzone85: "How long has nantz had the Texas ranger line in his back pocket?
+ @patricksouthern: "Nantz's "dog fight" and "Walker Texas Ranger" lines are reason enough for Gus Johnson to have this job next year."
+ @BlogAndTackle: "The best part of the #NCAA postgame is that my DirecTV went out 30 seconds after the final horn due to storms. #NoNantz"
+ @Gunaxin: "Top Dog wasn't bad enough, he has to end with "Best in Show" - stfu"
+ @AndrewSiciliano: "A lot of you tweeted about Augusta or Houston. Nobody predicted, "top dog."
+ @mikerrr: "@mudd4goals @onegreatseason how about "This game was dogshit!""