I've accepted the job of Digital Media Manager at WPBF-TV in West Palm Beach, Fla.
This is a great opportunity for me, as WPBF was looking for an experienced day-to-day leader who could also tackle big-picture goals with creativity and passion. Having spent the last 22 months rocking One Great Season, I think showed them that, and then some. It didn't hurt that I have a strong interest in social media, and I'm looking forward to growing WPBF's presence in that space as well.
I'll begin there in mid-June, which means I only have a couple of weeks left to enjoy New York.
I'll try to mix in some fun as I pack up and plan my move, which should happen around the first of the month. I'm still trying to figure out if I'll be able to visit family and friends in Cleveland and/or Cincinnati and/or Louisville before I make my way south.
I do need to buy a car.
I'll also be selling off many of things, including my photography.
For those of you considering a trip to South Florida for the OSU-Miami game in September, we should talk about that. West Palm Beach is 90 minutes away from South Beach.
I will no longer be writing for One Great Season. Eventually I'll move this site over to Wordpress so I don't have to pay for it, but it will function essentially as an archive, as there will be no new content.
Also, some of you may know that I have two Twitter accounts — @onegreatseason and @johnpwisephotog. Here's how I'll handle that transition:
+ Shut down the @johnpwisephotog account
+ Change the @onegreatseason handle to @johnpwisephotog
+ I'll Tweet about sports, media, photography and other silliness. I hope you continue/start to follow me.
When I was asked if I'd be comfortable putting OGS on hold, at first I was hesitant and I did put up a fight. But the bottom line is that this is a great opportunity for me and I'm excited to discover new passions in Florida. WPBF.com is my new focus. I hope you'll check in from time to time.
Lastly, I'll publish a more proper thank-you in a few days. I just wanted to get this news out quickly in case you were wondering why nothing has been published here this week.