In the meantime, we've got a couple of requests for you, especially if you're among our New York readers or you're in some way savvy about the city:
+ I have about two weeks left here. Recommend a restaurant, particularly a specific dish, suggest a bar where I can down a Guinness or a cocktail and of course tell me what I can photograph before I leave. I've covered a lot of ground and shot most NYC landmarks, but if there's something you haven't seen on my photography site, please please please share your tips. If I follow your advice and deem it to be good, of course, I'll send you a free poster of your choice of any of my New York prints (some are here; others are here).
+ Also, I'm trying to build up the People page on my photography site. Do you want your portrait taken? Let me know and we'll try to work something out quickly.
+ Lastly, since we're talking about my photography site so much today, why not visit it and click one of those "What's On Sale?" links in the upper right corner of the home page? I could use a few bucks to help with the move. And I've seen your apartment; you could certainly use a new look on your walls. That Breakfast of Champions poster is getting old.