Remembering Harmon: A Brush With Greatness

One Great Season
I never saw his swing in person. I never witnessed his majestic home runs. For much of my life, Harmon Killebrew was a legendary name and nothing more.
One Great Season
I never saw his swing in person. I never witnessed his majestic home runs. For much of my life, Harmon Killebrew was a legendary name and nothing more.
Perhaps it was fitting that in an old historic ballpark, Harmon Killebrew became a real man to me.
I was working for WFIE-TV in Evansville, Ind., and Killebrew was in town promoting hospice care. At the time, I had no idea what hospice was or why someone would travel from town to town speaking of it. All I knew was that this young memorabilia collector had a baseball or two to get signed.
Ben Jackey,
Harmon Killebrew