Nathan's Famous Hot Dog Eating Contest: Chestnut Wins Again

Cops Slap Cuffs On
Ex-Champ Kobayashi
One Great Season
If three-time defending champion Joey Chestnut coasted and Japanese legend Takeru Kobayashi didn't compete, then did the 2010 Nathan's Famous Hot Dog Eating Contest really happen?
Of course it happened, and OGS has the Twitter recap to prove it:
+ @KrisAllen: "If the hot dog eating contest's plan is to make me not want toneat a hotdog today...mission accomplished."
+ @Dan_Sheldon_: "54 dogs for Joey Chestnut, 4th strait at the anti-climactic HotDog Eating Contest. Glad I went to the qualifier instead."
+ @tpociask: "Joey Chestnut is the big winner for Nathan's Hotdog Eating Contest with 54. The big loser is the toilet later!"
+ @JonnyFreds: "if hotdogs were really bad for you, would there be a hotdog eating contest?"
+ @ChrisGig: "Just watched the Hot Dog Eating Contest for about 30 seconds... Never eating a hotdog again."
+ @KatherineMohr: "'Hotdog eating contest' is higher on the TT list than 'God Bless America.' Spectacular priorities, USA. Really."
+ @IowaPackerBack: "I'm watching the nathans hotdog eating contest. I'm having my own contest...don't throw up while watching contest."
+ @jeremys80: "Is going to start training for next years hotdog eating contest."
+ @frnkstar: "Kobayashi tried to rush the stage and was grabbed by three cops and dragged backstage."
+ @tomstoneman: "Hotdog eating contest is why the east hates you america. They're starving alive & you're having a hotdog eating contest."