Who's Saying What About Super Bowl XLVI?

One Great Season
Rather than writing about something everyone else is writing about, I like to instead cover the coverage of an event from time to time.
So after scanning through Twitter the last couple hours, here's what folks are saying about Super Bowl XLVI, as well as the commercials and the halftime performance by The Who:
The Game
@jnsanchez -- "Did Reggie Bush even play last night? I can't believe that there's still so much hype around a below average RB."
@BlogAndTackle -- "Payton says he had Lombardi Trophy in his bed last night. Jokes that he may have drooled on it."
@colinlefevre -- "Man was #SB44 an amazing game last night... but just like every year, today is a sad day. No more football until Canada Day :("
@BrentWoodcox: "Hard to see Manning as best QB of all time when he is only 9-9 in postseason. Still has years left to cement a legacy though."
@funnyordie: "If you thought Katrina was bad, wait until you see what Super Bowl victory celebrations do to New Orleans."
@PressClubNOLA: "Great job by NOLA journos this weekend! SB44 and election coverage! Give yourselves a pat on the back, and get back to work!"
@BlackCanseco: "Tim Tebow got more misplaced hate Sunday than Matt Stover."
@EricStangel: "Overheard at Favre home 'I want to call a press conference.' 'No Brett. let the SB teams have the attention please.'"
@CubsFan_BudMan: "So all the obnoxious Colts fans @ work called in sick today. Hope they're huggin the porcelin god for all the crap they were talkin last week."
@jalenrose -- "I'm upset my boy Colts QB Peyton Manning didn't shake hands w/Saints players after the game!"
The Ads
@marcEbennett -- "SB44 Advertising - Nothing truly memorable. Lot of ideas that were played...and re-played. Google was engaging, and Miller HL, creative."
@mbimotmog -- "All politics aside, that Tim Tebow ad for Focus on the Family felt like the creepiest Match.com ad ever."
@koamedia -- "Ads for #sb44. Mediocre to me, tho a couple LOL moments (Abe, Leno, space chicken). Google was poignant, I felt a tug."
@ADBOWL10 -- "Curiously, men ranked Snickers #1 (which women ranked #2). women ranked Google #1 (which men ranked #5)."
@kristofcreative -- "Somebody pls put the GoDaddy commercials out of their misery."
@BlitzConnects -- "45 minutes of ads during this year's Superbowl... Bet you can't remember more than 10 of them."
@hofflimits -- "I hope everyone enjoyed last night's Superbowl Adverts, and didn't find the football too intrusive."
@justinmccammon -- "Disappointed by sbads Google was the best but only because everyone else seemed to let the recession scare the creativity out of them."
@kcheyfitz -- "In the end, we'll all remember the game long after we've completely forgotten the ads. A great night for football; not so for marketing."
@chrisbrogan -- "Flo-TV needs to team up with iPad."
The Who
@nlord53 -- "I don't care what anyone says, I thought The Who at SB44 were flippin awesome... and that stage was ridiculous! So cool!"
@ianruns26point2 -- "The Who really rocked the balls off the #Superbowl half time show."
@davidfmatheson -- "Kept thinking while watching #thewho that I would have preferred #arcadefire. This was reinforced by the NFL's own 'Best Fans' commercials."
@whirledworld -- "Still shaking my head about the 1/2time show, trying to decide between 'Can't Explain' or 'Rock is Dead' as the more apropos lyric."
@drraley -- "I used to listen to #thewho, but not sure that was the same band last night. Was that R Daltery or his mom?
@garrydunne -- "This years Super Bowl half time show didn't do it for me. I don't think #TheWho have massive cross audience appeal, but nice stage light!"
@rawrieborealis -- "Little did we know, but superbowl event planners have tried to book #thewho every year from 1977 on & only in 2010 did their wish come true."
@bobschnyder -- "Why did the halftime band sing nothing but CSI intro themes?"
@panthea -- "Rapidly moving lights will distract people from bad music at a rave, not the Super Bowl."
@nickolaswriter -- "Love how Daltry's final 'Won't Get Fooled Again' shout started near his balls, and just roared."