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Mike Mudd, an assistant sports editor at the Louisville Courier-Journal, is a lifelong competitive soccer player, coach and fan whose claim to fame was making the second team Indiana all-state team in high school in Jeffersonville, Ind. Mudd covered college soccer while a student at Ball State University in the early 1990s. He also gets asked a lot about the time he scored four goals in a varsity match back in 1990. Mudd has watched every World Cup since 1986 and is more of a fan of South American soccer than European, though he has a soft spot in his heart for England. Mike will cover Group C, and can be followed on Twitter @mudd4goals.


+ June 25, 2010: Five Reasons Why USA Will Beat Ghana

+ June 15, 2010: World Cup 2010: ESPN Releases Viewer Ratings

+ June 15, 2010: World Cup 2010: Group C Notes

+ June 5, 2010: World Cup Preview: Group C

+ April 29, 2010: Derby Insider: What's Deadline Like For A Louisville Sports Editor?

+ April 2, 2010: Hopkins The Easy Pick, But Is Fight Worth Watching?