Cincinnati Is Going To Hate Brian Kelly

One Great Season
BROOKLYN -- I've said it before and I'll say it again; in no other line of work is a man's employment status more public than in coaching.
Painfully public.
If you coach a professional team or a major-college basketball or football program, your future is probed, dissected, analyzed, predicted and about 100 times a day for certain stretches, tirelessly inquired about.
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And I absolutely hate the media, the industry in which I grew up, because of it.
The coaching circus turns good men into liars. Every December, when hard-working coaches dedicated to winning championships and helping turn young boys into productive citizens, the names of a few hot honchos get tossed around and they end up having to answer every day the same question, and it has nothing to do with Santa Claus or holiday wish lists.
In the case of the very likeable Brian Kelly, I have a bad feeling that many, many fans are going to end up feeling -- wrongfully -- betrayed by him.
Kelly as recently as five days ago told his players he wasn't going anywhere. He'd told reporters three days ago to get a handle on the swirl-o-meter as rumors for two weeks have now suggested that he is in fact going to be the next Notre Dame coach. Apparently, there are many reliable "sources close to the situation" these days.
And now that Kelly has told his players he will interview for the job, anyone who knows how easily he'll charm the black-watch-plaid pants off Notre Dame Athletic Director Jack Swarbrink knows he's as good as gone.
Prior to yesterday's admission that he'll meet with the Irish, what options did he have? Should Kelly have told his players, "Yes, I expect to get the offer and I will take it?" Obviously, he couldn't do that, so what he has to do is ... lie. Of course he's going to tell his players and the scoop-hungry media that he and his family love it in Cincinnati, that they're not going anywhere, that they're focused on the next opponent and the next opponent only.
But if you worked in news, and you toiled at, say, a local TV station in a mid-sized market and suddenly the network called and wanted to bring you up to New York, the media capital of the world, what would you do? A fat contract and better perks awaited, as did a more challenging and rewarding work environment. Would you stay in Cincinnati? Would you openly tell your colleagues and even your supervisors you were thinking about another job?
Now, South Bend might not be Midtown Manhattan. Far from it, but whether you like or hate the Irish, it is the capital of the college football universe. It's hard to say no to that for a number of reasons, not the least of which is that the fan base at your current job doesn't always sell out a 35,000-seat stadium.
So if Brian Kelly takes the Notre Dame job, please bite your tongue when you want to call him a liar and accuse him of betraying the citizenry of Cincinnati. Before you start throwing around curse words in the name of thine holy Bearcat, just ask yourself if you've ever made a career decision in which you placed someone else's interests ahead of yours. I'm guessing you haven't, and if you have, then perhaps college football shouldn't be your most pressing passion.

Reader Comments (17)
The ONLY thing that separates UC from ND these days, thanks to BK, is the prestige factor of ND (and maybe money). Do you really think UC won't be a sold-out stadium for as long as BK is still coach here? He has single-handedly turned around the perception of UC's football program, and people will come to see it. I really think UC should work out a deal to play at PBS from now on and use Nippert as the practice field. If Pitt can play at Heinz, why not?
ND will throw a LOT of money BK's way today. UC could match it if they really wanted to, and if they did is there a really good reason for BK to leave? UC is on the verge of becoming a powerhouse program, and the Big East is nothing to sneeze at as far as football conferences go. Kids will want to play for him no matter if he's here or at ND, so does he want to be another in a line of big names coaching ND, with all the extra pressure that goes along with it, or does he want to be king in the castle that he built himself?
Just don't put down an ex coach (Mark Dantonio) for what he did then turn around and do the exact some thing three years later. The problem is the NCAA letting this happen because they don't want to push back the signing date till after the bowl games.
I am sorry Mike, but you are delusional. BK has taken Cinci as far as it can go, and he knows this. At ND, the sky is the limit, and the only thing separating them from being a perennial power again is a great coach. Cinci cannot match what ND would be willing to pay, because there is no cap on what ND would pay if they find the right man. If BK has put Cinci in the position he has with its facilities, school, and players, just imagine what he can do at ND.
a 12-0 ND jumps Texas ... enough said.
Tom, so you're telling me that if BK stayed at UC for another 10 years, the program would have no where to go but down? I don't believe that. If he could be convinced by the university to stay I believe he has just scratched the surface on how far the football program might go. UC is not a mid-major, remember, but a BCS conference school, and that has to hold some weight as far as whether UC could be a destination job instead of a stepping-stone.
He has started something that could be really special very quickly, but I do believe that if BK leaves, and I think he probably will, UC will go back to being an above-average, nothing-special football team, and that would be a real shame.
Mike, unfortunately we see this time and time again where a middle-of-the-road program in a BCS conference strings together a few great years, only to fall back when something changes. Maybe it is the departure of a couple of exceptional players (see Kansas), or a great coach. The problem is the self-reinforcing nature of tradition, money, facilities, national exposure, and recruiting that will always keep the overall hierarchy of college football the same. Many programs appear to fall by the wayside for a decade or two (Oklahoma, Texas, USC), only to come back as strong as they were before after finding a guy to move the program in the right direction. The cinci's and KUs of the world are more than a few tweaks away from being a powerhouse. But I do agree with you that Cinci could move forward if BK remained their coach. I just think he can bring ND back to the top much faster than he coud make Cinci a perennial power, and he could become a legend at ND, whereas I do not think that is a realistic possibility at Cinci.
Regardless of what BK may accomplish at UC, the fact of the matter is there are only a few select schools really considered to be true cream of the crop positions, ND, USC, Oklahoma, Florida, Alabama, Ohio State, Michigan, Nebraska, Penn State and Texas. These schools have long long histories of excellence. All of them have weathered a down turn at one time or another and it didn't take long for any of them to get back to the top once the right coach was found. To compare UC to these schools regardless of the conference affiliation is foolish.
UC cannot offer BK, the money, facilties, national recruiting base, fan base and support that Notre Dame can offer. IF BK goes to ND and does for ND what he has done at UC, he will be looked at like a celebrity. If he stays at UC and continues to excel, he'll just be another good college coach.
I agree he could get ND back on top much faster than at UC, but with it comes the added stress and expectation of coaching at ND. Charlie Weiss was expected to become a legend at ND too, and ask him how that turned out. The problem with coaching at ND is they already have a stable of past legends to live up to, where at UC he would be the legend that future coaches would have to try to exceed. ND has almost become a no-win situation for a coach. Almost. They still have the history, tradition, and Catholic support system to bolster them in tough times like these. ND can always get players like Claussen and Tate to go there, so a coach like BK could take that and have a field day.
Unfortunately you are right in that a non-traditional powerhouse like UC has a steep hill to climb to be thought of in the same breath as a school like Ohio State, but those schools weren't born powerhouses, right? They all had to build up to where they are today and with a long string of winning seasons like what BK has had at UC the last few years I think UC could get there.
A lot of this I fear is wishful thinking on my part, but that's all I have to go on right now!
Lying has become an acceptable part of American life, in all walks of life. Just because it has become socially acceptable, doesn't mean that it's right. I do not blame BK for his interest in the ND job, nor for taking it if it is offered to him.
"I'm no Mark Dantonio" is what he told his players, manipulating them just prior to the biggest game of their lives. This gave them a huge emotional boost. Taking the ND job after that act would speak volumes- it just wouldn't be right at all. He should not have invoked the name of Dantonio when he is considering pulling a Rich Rod/Dantonio style move.
I really do like BK, a lot. I hope he stays. IF he takes the ND job this week, there is no way I want him coaching the Cats in the Sugar Bowl. Can you imagine the ND lovefest that would become, with ND's head coach leading the Bearcats in their bowl game?
It's been an incredible 3 year ride with BK here. I wonder if Bearcat fans will ever see the likes of these times again? If he goes, he has definitely left the program in much better shape than he found it.
I'm a big believer in doing what you say that you're going to do. He told his players he was staying and he lied. This is why I will lose total respect for him if he goes to ND.
Dear John
I for one am delighted to have Brian Kelly as UC coach,and will be forever greatful that BK has been the UC coach.
*I remembered when Mike Tranghese,then Big East Commissoner pick UC as one of the schools to replace BC,Miami Fla,and Virginia Tech.
Every sports commentator,TV and Radio talking head laughed,scoffed at him.
Said are you kidding me,UC couldn't even fill their own football stadium.
They don't belong in a BCS conference.
*Then 12/06 UC hired Brian Kelly to replace. Mark Dantonio as coach.
At the time:
*UC was going thru the Bob Hugguns/Nancy Zimpher controversy which gave the university a major black eye,which had UC spiraling more towards a Temple.
*Then the attitude on campus like all of Ohio,Scarlet and Grey was king.
While all the other universites were peasants in comparison.
*Then also at the time,UC still had a Conference USA/Mid-American Conference attitude,which UC still considered Miami of Ohio(which i call the little U) as a rival.
BK changed all that,remember BK changed all that.
*Remember BK telling the UC administration,what's the profit of us going to yager stadium.
We're a BCS school now,not only that.
And also
He proceeded make the little U his personal bitch by beating the living tar out of them.
Which in turn,turned the Miami rivaly into a tradition.
*Then before BK,UC seldom ever sold out Nippert Stadium.
Since BK has been UC coach Nippert has sold out nearly every night.
*Remember also a year ago he turned down the Tennesse,and Washington Jobs,which tells me that he cares about UC.
That wouldn't jump to the 1st high profile job that came around.
*Plus i remember him saying on national TV earlier this year,that the university is behind on the pratice bubble that he wanted.
A coach that wouldn't care about the university,wouldn't even have mention it.
See thru those words,BK was the guy who kicked asses not kiss them.
*Cause of BK,UC has had awesome representation at their bowl games
*Cause of BK,UC is NOW in the process of going to their 2nd BCS Bowl in as many years.
*Which in turn thru these last 2 years,UC has become a household name as much as Thee Ohio State Buckeyes thru their exposure on national TV.
On equal footing as them,did you hear that on equal footing as them.
It's because of BK
*This year alone UC is the best team in ohio,OSU is 2nd best.
Cause of BK
*Now the UC administration OK'd financing the building of the Jefferson Ave Complex,which will be
completed by the beginning of next season.
*Now it's in the talks for expansion at Nippert.
Both as a result of BK's demands.
For all the above reasons plus many more i'm forever grateful to have BK as coach of UC,and also i think there should still be a statute erected on campus as a result.
Cause while BK has been coach,UC took astromonical giant steps under BK.
As a result UC is heading in the direction of Virginia Tech not Temple
Steve and Ed.
Like you never lied,ahhh pleaze.
There's only one man who's ever lived,his name is the Lord Jesus Christ.
Thru only him,you can become rightous.
2010 UC back to 3,000 people at the Nipp.
Jesus Christ Eric, like we need a Jesus Christ reference (yes, that's in vain, let him strike me down!).
UC is a stepping stone school and always will be. No shame in that. Do you see Xavier fans bitching every 3-5 years? Good take on the situation forcing Kelly to lie, Wisenheimer.
I am so mad at that traitor. He lied through his teeth to us. If we lose the Bowl game it will be his fault. I am glad that his house was vandalized.
I didn't know his house was vandalized, but I can tell you that I had nothing to do with the vandalism at Coach Nickerson's house.
Folks need to calm down about BK leaving. He didn't lie as much as people think and he's not a traitor. He got the job he'd long coveted. When you're asked about your professional future every day for weeks and months, what are you supposed to say? UC should have done more to keep him.