Vote For This Cincinnati Cheerleader Now
Wednesday, November 10, 2010 at 10:58AM
One Great Season
Once when I held the much-coveted office of Editor-in-Chief of the University of Cincinnati's student-run newspaper, The News Record, I was asked to sit with a small panel and judge UC's cheerleader tryouts.
One Great Season
Once when I held the much-coveted office of Editor-in-Chief of the University of Cincinnati's student-run newspaper, The News Record, I was asked to sit with a small panel and judge UC's cheerleader tryouts.
I no longer wield such power at my alma mater, but you can actually help a current Cincinnati cheerleader win the Athlon Sports Sideline Spirit Contest.
That's April Leonard below. She calls herself dedicated and says she enjoys "working with underprivileged youth." Vote for her right here.
tagged Cheerleaders, Cincinnati
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