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World Cup 2010: An Open Letter To Alberto Undiano

(Group F specialist Mike Marshall writes an open letter to Alberto Undiano, referee during Serbia's 1-0 stunner over a 10-man German side Thursday.)

One Great Season

Dear Mr. Undiano:

As a neutral, I was most interested to see how Serbia would undertake a game with a German side that had scored four goals in their first-round shellacking of Australia on Sunday.

Instead, I found myself riveted to the match by your play, er performance. It was truly breathtaking how you took over the game with exquisite control, strict (insane) interpretations of game law and leaving common sense well behind -- inspiring in the least. Yellow and red cards, presented so artfully, gave us all the only focus we could manage, not the players and how they might combine to produce some great play. You sir, were the star.

In closing, if you could be so kind as to avoid any further games in your professional capacity, we would be most appreciative.

Best Regards,

Fans of the great game

Click here for Mike's bio and an archive of his previous stories.

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Reader Comments (3)

I'm so amazed at the apparent lack of experience of these refs, it's completely mind-boggling to say the least. How about the US ref from Mali that totally missed the call which gave us the tie instead of the win. un-be-lievable.

June 18, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterTrane

You might want to CC the shithead that reffed our game.

June 18, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterjbrown

He is sooo right, with what he is saying!!!! Love that letter!!!

June 19, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterJiggy

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